The Dhaka Times
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Office opened after Eid but no presence

The Dhaka Times Desk After opening the office after the three-day Eid holiday, there is no attendance. The streets are still empty. There is no traffic jam anywhere. Like a ghost town!

Eid & Office presence
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Due to the Eid holiday, the streets are empty from the day before Eid. Today is the first office after the Eid holiday. But still the streets are empty. Still those who went to Nijgram have not returned. And so office attendance is also very low. Very few people showed up at the office.

On the other hand, the streets are completely empty. There are hardly any vehicles on the roads where you have to be stuck in traffic jams for hours. A road that used to take two hours at other times now takes half an hour. So many people are saying that the traffic jam-free condition of the capital Dhaka would have been there all year round!

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