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Space scientists have achieved incredible success!

The Dhaka Times Desk Space scientists have achieved incredible success. After relentless efforts, the New Horizons spacecraft recently encountered Pluto, the outer edge of the solar system.

Space scientists success

According to a report in the media, people first saw Mars, a member of the solar family, 50 years ago today. The Marine Four spacecraft encountered Mars in 1964. Only then does the Earth see the image of Mars. Then after 20 years, the image of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, was published. Then Galileo went to space courtesy of Galileo. But people's dreams did not stop. Science has not stopped to make people's dreams come true. And so, after relentless efforts, the space probe New Horizons has recently encountered Pluto at the end of the solar system.

According to the news, this spacecraft New Horizons sent by NASA has set an extraordinary precedent in the history of space research. The spacecraft reached within 7,767 miles of Pluto, the outermost member of the solar system.

New Horizons launched from Earth in 2006 on the Pluto mission. New Horizons has covered 3 billion miles in almost 10 years. It is known that recently New Horizons was able to photograph the planet from a distance of only 9 thousand 977 km from Pluto.

From its discovery until 2006, Pluto was known as the ninth planet of the solar system. However, on August 24, 2006, when the International Astronomical Union redefined the definition of a planet, Pluto lost its status as a planet. However, scientists believe that losing status as a planet could open up Pluto's fate. Pluto can return the 'respect' of the planet.

According to media reports, images sent by New Horizons have captured unknown forms of dwarf planets. Analyzing data sent back by New Horizons, scientists have found that Pluto is slightly larger than previously thought.

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