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Bangladeshi researcher invented the first medicine 'Nasvac'

Two Bangladeshi researchers showed special achievements. 'NASVAC' is about to get registration as the first drug they invented.

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, two Bangladeshi scientists contributed to medical science. The first medicine invented by two Bangladeshi researchers 'Nasvac' will be released in the market after getting approval from the drug testing laboratory.

বাংলাদেশী গবেষকের উদ্ভাবিত প্রথম ওষুধ ‘ন্যাসভ্যাক’ 1

This time two Bangladeshi researchers showed special achievements. 'NASVAC' is going to get registration as the first medicine invented by them. These two researchers from Bangladesh have developed this drug which is more effective in treating people infected with hepatitis 'B' virus. The prescription of the drug has already been approved. At present, it will be marketed by Beacon, the country's drug manufacturing company, after getting approval from the drug testing laboratory.

Dr. Bangladeshi liver specialist living in Japan. Sheikh Mohammad Fazle Akbar carried out the basic research to develop this drug. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hepatology Department Professor Dr. Ma'mun-al-Mahtab acted as the chief examiner to verify the efficacy of the medicine.

According to hematologists, the cost of a full course of drugs currently used to treat severe hepatitis-B virus patients ranges from Tk 4.5 lakh to Tk 5 lakh. If you use NASVAC manufactured in Cuba, you have to spend about 10 lakh rupees. However, if NASVAC is produced in the country, it will cost only 2 lakh rupees. It is initially expected to reduce the cost of treating severe hepatitis-B patients by less than half once it is registered. Beacon, a company in the country with registration, will manufacture it.

In this regard, Professor Dr. Mamun-al-Mahtab said, in clinical trials of this drug, positive results were found in 50 percent of patients suffering from hepatitis 'B' virus. The cure rate in treating liver inflammation patients is 100%.

Professor Dr. Mamun-al-Mahtab said, "Nasvac" will play an important role in cancer research in the near future. It is also particularly effective in treating chronic infections.

For 25 years, Professor Dr. has been researching new treatment methods in hepatitis B treatment. Sheikh Mohammad Fazle Akbar. The main theme of his research is to control the virus by increasing the human's own immunity against hepatitis B. Dr. for this purpose. Akbar first conducted research on rats. Later, he conducted clinical trials on hepatitis B patients with the approval of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education of Japan. Dr. for further research later. Mahtab created a database of about 1,000 hepatitis 'B' patients in Bangladesh.

They said, in 2009, the first and second phase clinical trial of Nasvac was conducted on 18 chronic hepatitis B patients in Bangladesh. In 2011, a clinical trial was conducted on 151 patients again due to promising results. It is known that in the third phase these 151 chronic hepatitis 'B' patients were divided into two groups and they were treated with 'Nasvac' and pegylated interferon respectively. In that trial, a total of 75 patients received a total of 15 doses of Nasvac and another 76 patients received a total of 48 doses of pegylated interferon.

Dr. Mamun-al-Mahtab said, 'This trial shows that NASVAC is more effective than pegylated interferon.' He said, its final stage trial has also been given in various countries of Asia, Latin America, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific region.

Dr. Mamun-al-Mahtab added that the Cuban drug administration has already approved NASVAC. Also, Belarus, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Angola have also approved Nasvac for the treatment of hepatitis B.

Currently, there is no medicine in the world that can completely cure hepatitis 'B' infection. Doctors resort to conventional treatment methods to treat this disease. So that these patients gradually recover from infection and do not suffer from diseases like liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Dr. to the media. Mahtab also said that even this type of treatment can cause various side effects if applied to a patient for a long time. However, the clinical trials of 'Nasvac' have proved that this drug is much more effective in controlling the virus. Clinical trials have also proven that 'Nasvac' is effective not only in the treatment of Hepatitis B but also in any chronic infection.

Note that according to the World Health Organization, at least 24 million people in the world are infected with chronic hepatitis 'B' virus.

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