The Dhaka Times
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The whole country is enjoying Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid-ul-Fitr has come after a month of fasting. Eid is for everyone, rich and poor. And so the whole country is enjoying the joy of Eid.

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Those who have the ability to organize today. Eating semai-pais in the morning and offering Eid prayers. Then the noise. After that, kicking the elders has become a tradition of our Bengalis for thousands of years. Today is a very happy day especially for children. A special part of Eid is to go from house to house with classmates wearing new clothes. which cannot be expressed in words.

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However, more events are held in villages than in cities during Eid. There, old parents celebrate Eid with their children who have left the city. It is a great joy. Moreover, it is different in the fun of celebrating Eid with relatives at home in their village. The capital is currently deserted. The streets are empty. Even yesterday, if there was some traffic jam from the morning, the roads started emptying from the afternoon.

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Kamalapur Railway Station, Sadarghat Launch Terminal, Gabtali Bus Terminal, Mohakhali Bus Stand, Saidabad Bus Stand were all crowded till last night, but today they are completely empty. Like a nizhum puri!

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However, this afternoon there will be a gathering of people in the entertainment centers of the capital. Many people will come with their children to enjoy the joy of Eid in the entertainment centers of the capital including Shishu Park. From afternoon till night some cars will be seen on the road.

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May the joy of the holy Eid-ul-Fitr throughout the country be sweeter and bring welfare to all. It is the only hope of all of us that the rich and the poor spend this day together. Eid wishes to all again - Eid Mubarak.

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