The Dhaka Times
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Movies, telefilms, dramas and also fun food for Eid!

The Dhaka Times Desk No office, no work, just watching movies, telefilms, dramas on a dozen or two TVs and also fun and fun food for Eid! What else is there to do?

Movies, telefilms, drama

No office, no work, just watching movies, telefilms, dramas on a dozen or two TVs and also fun and fun food for Eid! What else is there to do? Such a situation has happened to all of us. However, there are other tasks beyond this, such as visiting relatives or friends. There is no other work.

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Everything is closed due to Eid. Offices, courts, schools and colleges are all closed now. Leisure time is going for everyone. However, Agunti TV channels in Bangladesh have hundreds of dramas, telefilms, movies, music programs, Eid magazine programs and many more.

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These Eid events will be seen throughout the week. But one thing is that there is doubt about which will be left and which will be seen. Is it possible for people to digest so many programs? When you open the TV, some movies, some songs, some dramas and some telefilms. And all the flashy talk of advertising! There is a problem with which one to keep and which one to watch.

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Moreover, there are differences of opinion among family members. Some people will watch dramas, some will watch movies - because of such differences, the situation is like a mess with watching programs. Once some parts of the drama, then again after opening the advertisement branch, the telefilm of another channel or the advertisement is also starting there. Then again drama somewhere else. This is how watching Eid special programs of a dozen or two TV channels is going on. The special days of Eid holidays are passing by.
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