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Facebook fake ID users coming under the law!

The Dhaka Times Desk Fake ID users of Facebook are coming under the law. Preparations are underway to identify fake users among Facebook users in Bangladesh and bring them under the law.

Facebook users under a fake ID is coming

Fake ID users of Facebook are coming under the law. Preparations are underway to identify fake users among Facebook users in Bangladesh and bring them under the law. The number of Facebook users in Bangladesh is about one and a half crore. It is known that there are more fake IDs than real ones. The government is going to take initiatives to identify these fake IDs and bring them under the law. It is reported that preparations are underway to include the matter in the draft 'Cyber Security Act-2015' under the initiative of the Government's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) department.

Complaints are raised from time to time, political incitement through fake IDs, spreading religious hatred, taunting, distorting pictures, combining pictures with other people's pictures, and purposefully publishing pictures of destructive activities - various kinds of unethical activities are increasing. Even legitimate Facebook users feel insecure because of these scammers. These fake ID holders could not be stopped even with awareness campaigns from various quarters. Therefore, initiatives have been taken to bring the matter under the law.

Note that in 2011, the number of Facebook users in the country was only 13 lakh. In January 2012, it increased by 10 lakhs to 23 lakhs. The following year on January 1, 2013, Facebook users were 3.352 thousand 680. And in October 2014, this number rose to over one crore.

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