The Dhaka Times
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Baby in the washing machine!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard of such a thing before. So you may be shocked. But the story is true. A woman gave a child in the washing machine!

Washing machine & Baby

We have never heard of such a thing before. So you may be shocked. But the story is true. A woman gave her child in the washing machine! News The Mirror.

The fact is that many of us take pictures in different colors and styles and post them on Facebook to get more likes and comments. But there is also the possibility of getting into trouble by taking pictures in these colors and styles. As was the case with this woman. The woman had to put the baby in the washing machine and take a picture and post it on Facebook.

According to the report, the woman named Courtney Stewart works as a caretaker of a house. When the child's parents left him with him, he put the child in the washing machine and photographed him. Not only that, he also posted that picture on Facebook; Seeing that, the people in the neighborhood were shocked and came running.

The police came and arrested the 21-year-old woman after such a gruesome incident came to light. However, he realized the mistake and apologized. But what happens has happened. Because of which he finally had to go home.

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