The Dhaka Times
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By eating apples...!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is difficult to say how much is happening in the world. Such a strange thing was heard this time. If you eat apples, you will find a lover!

Apple and the lover

There are many ways to offer love. However, such a strange way of offering love or choosing a lover has never been heard of. This time, such a news has come in the media. And that is, a method has been invented to determine whether a lover really likes or not. The first step in making a soul mate is really fun. How people tell the person they love about their special feelings - while searching for the answer, an interesting fact has come out

There is a strange custom of love offerings among girls in Austria. In the villages there, during the traditional dance, girls take apples and keep them under their armpits. After a while, the apple was handed over to the lovely man. If the boy eats the apple then it can be understood that he is willing to love. This is how lovers are selected there. This is the tradition of that area. It is indeed a strange and interesting tradition.

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