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Half of the Internet users use Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk Half of the world's Internet users use Facebook. Facebook has given this information. More than 3 billion people worldwide are currently using the Internet.

Half of the Internet users use Facebook

Half of the world's Internet users use Facebook. Facebook has given this information. More than 3 billion people worldwide are currently using the Internet. According to Facebook, half of the world's total Internet users use Facebook as a social media.

According to them, half of the 3 billion people, that is more than 1.5 billion people, use Facebook at least once a month. According to Facebook, at least 65 percent of them access Facebook once a day. According to that estimate, however, half of all Internet users do not use Facebook at all. Facebook says that their number of users is increasing day by day.

American Facebook users glance at Facebook on their smartphones at least once every five minutes.

According to the BBC, Facebook claims that the number of Facebook users has increased by at least 13 percent compared to the last three months. That is why the income of the Facebook company has increased by 39 percent, which is more than 4 billion dollars in monetary value - so it is said.

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