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Pictorial: The Indonesian Archipelago 'Komodo Dragon' Story

The Dhaka Times Desk How many types of islands are there in the world? These islands have different nature. Today's report features the story of the Indonesian archipelago's Komodo dragon.

komodo dragon

This 'Komodo Dragon' island is uninhabited. There is only deep forest around it. Here the shadows are dark, wet ground. This 'Komodo Dragon' caused a stir due to a mysterious creature on the island.

In 1912, an airplane crashed on this island. However, the pilot somehow survived. Komodo Island has several ferocious animals. The aviator escaped from these animals by wearing a mask. But he sees a creature there that terrifies him. He saw fire coming out of the creature's mouth.

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After being rescued from that island, the aviator came to the civilized world and narrated his thrilling experience. He said that he saw a fire-faced dragon on that island. Many dismissed his statement as the delusion of a madman. The reason is that the dragon is a mythical creature in China. There are many stories about dragons in ancient times. There are many such dragon stories in Chinese mythology. In fact, how can this mythical creature be seen in the modern civilized world?

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - AUGUST 08: . As part of ZSL London Zoo?s extensive enrichment programme, Raja, a 15-year-old Komodo dragon, has been given brightly coloured boomer balls filled with his favourite foods, which the 55kg (nine stone) endangered monitor lizard has to push around with his nose to reach the treats inside.   at London Zoo on August 8, 2013 in London, England. (Photo by John Phillips/UK Press via Getty Images)

A long time ago. In 1927, a group of American explorers went to Komodo Island in search of the mysterious creature. They also managed to photograph the monstrous creature. When that picture was published, many people were surprised to see the picture. Many people did not imagine that such strangely shaped animals exist in this civilized world.

A leader of the American expedition team said that fire did not come out of the animal's mouth. In fact, orange-colored shiny organisms come out. As the creature swishes out and in, it appears as if there is a flash of fire, or sparks of fire. Then a group of TV documentary crew from France went to the island and took pictures. The film was named 'Commodore Dragon'.

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Scientists say that such animals were in Australia 500 million years ago. They are monitor lizard type animals. As if the mystery is more concentrated in the words of the scientists. Since then, zoological scientists at the University of Jakarta have been extensively researching the subject.

During 1961, several more raids were carried out on Komodo. Due to which some sensational information has been revealed. It is known that this animal is not only in Komodo, but in at least 4 other islands in the vicinity. Again, the matter became a cause of concern for scientists. How did these animals come from Australia? How did you stay here for so long? These animals do not exist anywhere else in the world. Russian scientists expressed interest in collecting data on the matter. They decided that Indonesian-Russian scientists would conduct a joint venture.

Scientists once went to that island by ship. Shortly after landing on the island, they saw two dragons, one 13 feet and the other 7 feet. It has strong legs, black color. Walks rubbing the tail on the ground. They have great power
in the tail The scientists brought a dead deer there, and within a short time the deer killed the two monsters with their horns intact.

A few days later, scientists saw that a wild boar had killed a house in Lez. Very gluttonous animals. Eat and eat all the time. Several were also caught showing greed for food. It was brought to the Jakarta slaughterhouse. 3 animals were dissected for the study. It turned out that they are actually 500 million years ago, the mysterious old animals of Australia.

Another dragon was released into the sea. It was seen that Divya Satre had come to the shore. It can be assumed that the animals came here from far away Australia by crossing the sea. The question may come, so how did the animals survive here for so many years? The only answer is for the environment. The reason is that they had no rivals in India. There was no shortage of food. And so this creature, a contemporary of the dinosaurs, still survives as a wonder of nature.

Source: Courtesy of Unknown Knowledge.

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