The Dhaka Times
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The world's largest umbrella in China!

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's largest umbrella is now in China. The Chinese are breaking one record after another in technological development. They also made that record in the case of umbrellas.

China is the world's largest umbrella

The world's largest chest is now in China. The Chinese are breaking one record after another in technological development. They also made that record in the case of umbrellas. The country made the Guinness Book of World Records for making the world's largest umbrella.

According to media reports, the umbrella has a diameter of 23 meters and is 14.4 meters (or 47 feet) long. This umbrella weighing about 5,700 grams is placed in the middle of a road. This umbrella covers an area of 418 square meters. This umbrella is made by an umbrella manufacturing company in East China's Jiangxi Province.

India previously held this record in 2010. At that time, the umbrella made by India's Max New York Life Insurance was the largest umbrella in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. The umbrella had a circumference of 56 feet and a height of 36 feet (or 10.97 meters). The weight of that Indian umbrella is 2,200 kg. This umbrella of China has broken that record.

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