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Graham Bell's voice from a 128-year-old recording disc

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have been able to precisely transcribe the voice of Alexander Graham Bell, one of the inventors of the telephone, known as the Father of the Deaf, from his 1885 recording disc. Bell was engaged in research on hearing and speech even before the invention of the telephone. After successive attempts from Bell's laboratory and the disks and cylinders he used, the researchers demonstrated this success. The invention of this new technology has made it possible to bring back the 128-year-old Graham Bell.


From 1880 to 1922, Bell passed through a museum with laboratory equipment. His contribution consisted of over 400 discs and cylinders, on which he attempted to record sound. Bell also had research papers, various patents. Bell conducted his sound research between 1880 and 1886. He was assisted by a cousin and a technician. They worked at Bell's Volta Laboratories. Bell's rival scientist Thomas Alva Edison achieved success by recording sound on embossed foil. At this time some of Bell's research on sound and light was awaiting publication.

In the lab, Bell and his colleagues used a variety of materials to record sound, including metal, wax, glass, paper, plaster, foil, and cardboard. Then try to listen to what they embedded in the disk or cylinder. But unfortunately the method of recording and playing their sound is lost or unknown.

Carlene Stephens, curator of the National Museum of American History, said the discs, 4 to 14 inches in diameter, may have been hand-made. He wondered what they could contain. Find out about curator Stephens, researcher Carl Huber. who was able to retrieve a Paris record of 1860. Together with his team, he developed a high-powered optical scanner that could convert old recordings into audio files with the help of a computer.

Stephens, contacted Huber. In early 2011, Huber, along with fellow physicist Earl Cornell and Peter Alea, a digital conversion expert, began analyzing the disks at the Volta laboratory. That same year, Indiana University sound media historian Patrick Pfister compiled a complete list of disc and cylinder symbols. Their ingenious invention shows the way to light. Be able to pick them out April 15, 1885 Bell's speech is preserved on a disc made of wax and cardboard.


June 20, 2012 A team from the Library of Congress joined the study. Their tireless efforts made it possible to convert the record. The converted audio file read, “Hear my voice, Alexander Graham Bell.” This voice belonged to Bell. His tone was quick and forceful. which corresponds to the retrieved vowel.

Scientist Alexander Graham Bell:

Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847. He died on August 2, 1922. He was a famous scientist and inventor. Both his mother and wife were mute. That is why he has done a lot of research to improve the quality of life of Bobad. At different times of his life he has lived in England, Canada and lastly America.
In later life Bell carried out several other important researches including flying boats and aeronautics. Bell was one of the founders of the National Geographic Society established in 1888. His most notable invention, the telephone, was something he considered to be a bit of a hassle. That is why he did not keep any telephone in his research and study room. After Bell died, all telephones in America rang continuously for one minute in his honor. According to the US administration, this was done to show due respect to the great man who invented this method of human-to-human communication.

Listen to Bell's voice:
alexander-graham-bell, The Tech Journal

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