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Egypt's imprisoned President Morsi on hunger strike!

FILE - In this file photo taken Thursday, May 8, 2014, Egypt's ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi sits in a defendant cage in the Police Academy courthouse in Cairo, Egypt. Besides the current charges against him of conspiring with foreign groups, inciting the murder of his opponents and orchestrating prison breaks during the 2011 uprising that toppled his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's state prosecutor is now investigating allegations that Morsi leaked secret documents to Qatar via the Doha-based Al-Jazeera broadcaster, judicial officials said Wednesday, Aug. 27. (AP Photo/Tarek el-Gabbas, File)

The Dhaka Times Desk Egypt's ousted and imprisoned President Mohamed Morsi has begun a hunger strike in prison. Expressing dissatisfaction with the poor quality of prison food, he refused to eat it.

FILE - In this file photo taken Thursday, May 8, 2014, Egypt's ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi sits in a defendant cage in the Police Academy courthouse in Cairo, Egypt. Besides the current charges against him of conspiring with foreign groups, inciting the murder of his opponents and orchestrating prison breaks during the 2011 uprising that toppled his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's state prosecutor is now investigating allegations that Morsi leaked secret documents to Qatar via the Doha-based Al-Jazeera broadcaster, judicial officials said Wednesday, Aug. 27. (AP Photo/Tarek el-Gabbas, File)

Egypt's ousted and imprisoned President Mohamed Morsi has begun a hunger strike in prison. Expressing dissatisfaction with the poor quality of prison food, he refused to eat it. After this incident, the court ordered to check his physical condition. This news was reported by the Egyptian state media Minar.

According to reports, Morsi, who suffers from diabetes, termed the food allocated to him in prison as 'very bad', saying that the food was not at all healthy for him. He appealed to the jail officials to bring him food from outside. But the jail authorities did not respond to his request - he alleged. However, the news agency did not publish any comments of prison officials on this matter.

It should be noted that Morsi, the leader of Egypt's Islamic party Muslim Brotherhood, was the first democratically elected president in the country's history. He came to power in 2012. He has been in prison for the past two years after being ousted by the army in mid-2013. An Egyptian court sentenced him to death earlier this year in connection with the 2011 prison protests. Egypt's ousted president, Muhammad Morsi, has been in prison for the past two years. He is currently on trial at the Cairo Criminal Court for allegedly smuggling the country's secret information to Qatar.

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