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An Egyptian court commuted Morsi's death sentence to life imprisonment

The Dhaka Times Desk Egypt's ousted president Morsi has been sentenced to life in prison, a court has commuted the death penalty. The court announced this verdict on Tuesday.

Egypt's X President Morsi

Egypt's ousted president Morsi has been sentenced to life in prison, a court has commuted the death penalty. The court announced this verdict on Tuesday. Morsi and the head of his Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Bada'i, were also accused of kidnapping and killing policemen and attacking and vandalizing police stations, including jailbreaks. These events occurred during mass protests against Hosni Mubarak, a former hero before Morsi came to power.

According to media reports, the court is also considering a maximum peace case against 15 people, including another Muslim Brotherhood leader, Khairat el-Shater, in a separate charge of conspiracy against Egypt with the foreign groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

In 2013, former President Morsi was ousted in a military coup. At that time, the current president of the country, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, was the army chief. Morsi believes that all the cases against him and his trial are part of that revolution. It should be noted that Morsi was previously sentenced to death by the court.

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