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Amnesty Report Released: Death Penalty Drops by 37 Percent

China has the highest number of executions. It is followed by Saudi Arabia and Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk According to an Amnesty report, 37 percent fewer executions were carried out in 2016 than in 2015. It can be seen in 2016. A significant reduction in the number of executions has been reported in various countries.

অ্যামনেস্টির প্রতিবেদন প্রকাশ: মৃত্যুদণ্ডের পরিমাণ কমেছে ৩৭ শতাংশ 1

According to Amnesty's report, 1,634 people were executed worldwide in 2015. In contrast, last year (2016) 1 thousand 32 people were executed.

The report also said that China carried out the highest number of executions. It is followed by Saudi Arabia and Iraq. However, although Iran and Pakistan occupy the top five on the list of executions, it is believed that the global number is also affected by the decrease in the number of executions mainly in these two countries.

In 2015, 326 death sentences were carried out in Pakistan. Last year it fell by 73 percent to 87. This is the first time since 2006 that the name of the United States has dropped out of the top five list.

On the other hand, 977 people were executed in Iran in 2015. 567 people were executed there last year. However, most of these executions have been carried out on drug-trafficking charges, according to Amnesty's report.

Note that in 2013, 1 thousand 925 people were sentenced to death. In 2014, a total of 2,466 death sentences were given worldwide. In 2016, two countries, Belarus and Palestine, reported no executions.

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