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Hooray with a mysterious mountain of Jin in Medina! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Madinah has been in a frenzy over a mysterious jinn mountain. Everything is pulled towards that mountain!

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Madinah has been in a frenzy over a mysterious jinn mountain. Everything is pulled towards that mountain! This mountain of Jinn is located in Wadi Al Bayda, about 45 kilometers northwest of the city of Madinah in Saudi Arabia.

Everything goes downhill - we know that. But the surprising thing is, everything in this mountain of genes goes in the opposite direction of the slope, that is, just opposite to the general rule. It has also been seen that the car stopped on this mysterious hill starts moving against the slope. Many believe that this happens because there is a lot of magnetic material in the area.

mysterious gene Hills

According to one information, around 2010, the Saudi government plans to build a road in this Wadi Al Bayda. But there is a problem. After working up to 30 kms the problem occurred. Suddenly, the road construction equipment is slowly moving towards the city of Madinah alone. It seems as if some invisible force is pushing the machinery towards Medina. Not only this, but the heavy rollers of the pitch casting also slowly climb up the slope while off.

Seeing such a scene, the working workers got scared. They refuse to work there. There are huge black hills all around where the road work is stopped. At the end, it is like a roundabout and it is arranged to come to the city of Madinah through that road. Although the road was supposed to be 200 km long, the construction work was stopped at the end of 40 km.

Due to all such strange events, various curiosities have arisen among the people around Jin's mountain. Many tourists from different countries of the world come here to see this mountain of Jin. Every year people who come for Hajj also gather to see this smiling mountain of Jinn. Go there to see with your own eyes that such a mountain can actually exist. This is how a story of this mysterious mountain of Jinn has developed. Which has become a witness of a wonderful event to people.

Watch Jin's Hill video

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