The Dhaka Times
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One oil can be cooked 80 times!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that one cannot cook more than once in one oil. That is, cooking more than once is also harmful to health. Now such an oil has come out that can be cooked 80 times!

80 times the oil can cook

Many of us are fed up with the rising price of edible oil year after year. Science Daily has given such happy news for them today. They said, now not once or twice can be cooked in the same oil up to eighty times!

According to media reports, a group of researchers from Putra University in Malaysia claimed the discovery of this amazing edible oil. Professor Suhaila Muhammad, head of the research team, told Science Daily that the newly discovered oil was produced by mixing palm oil and natural herbal ingredients. It is claimed that the use of this oil will not only reduce the cost of cooking but also control various diseases including cancer.

The researchers said, this oil can produce more heat in low heat. Moreover, like all other edible oils, this oil cannot enter food in large quantities. The most surprising thing is that after pouring it into a pan, even if it is cooked at least 80 times in the same oil, the body will not be harmed to such an extent, the researchers claimed. The newly discovered oil has been named 'AFDHAL Edible Oil.'

Professor Suhaila Muhammad claimed that the main ingredients of the newly discovered oil are palm oil and rutasi. Cooking history may be changing due to the addition of some herbal ingredients. Due to rutasi, this oil will be able to cook the food sufficiently and make it tasty without getting into the food. Again, this oil contains a high amount of anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial content - which is very beneficial for the human body. So it is hoped that the discovered oil will bring a boon to human civilization.

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