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Bicycle theft technology has come to prevent!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, technical bicycle has come to prevent bicycle theft. Sometimes the lock is cut, sometimes the whole bicycle is taken away by the thief. So new technology came to save the bicycle.

Bicycle theft is to prevent technical bike

This time, technical bicycle has come to prevent bicycle theft. Sometimes the lock is cut, sometimes the whole bicycle is taken away by the thief. So new technology came to save the bicycle. According to statistics, about 15 million bicycles are stolen worldwide every year. Now a new technology has come to save bicycles from theft.

This new bike is designed in such a way that the seat stand is attached to the pedals. And so you can leave the bike and roam wherever you want; There will be no fear of bike theft. This new technology bicycle only needs to be removed from the seat rod and attached to the pedals. In Chile, 200 of these new technology bicycles have already been sold. Orders are coming from other countries too.

Australia, America, Europe, New Zealand, Hong Kong are increasing the demand of this new technology bicycle. Andres Roy Eggers, Ian Jose Monslev and Cristabel Cabello jointly designed this new technology bicycle.

Their statement is that they have created a technology bike that will break if stolen! The fact is that the seat of the bicycle is the lock of this bicycle. And no method of cutting this lock has been kept in this new bicycle design. Due to which this new technology bicycle will prevent theft. In different countries of the world, the demand for this new technology bicycle is gradually increasing. We also need such new technology bicycles in our country. Because in our country, bicycle theft happens much more than other countries.

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