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The vulture or ud-cat is about to become extinct

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Sunday, 16 August 2015 Christ, 1 Bhadra 1422 Bangabd, 30 Shawwal 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Otters abolished

The picture you are looking at is a vulture or a tomcat. Once upon a time there were a lot of wasps in our country. It is going extinct in recent times.

Amblonyx cinereus, the scientific name of the tadpole, actually calls it "nailless", but it does have claws. However, it does not appear that a little less protrudes outwards. Their body color is very dark brown, the lower part of the body is dirty yellowish type. The color of the lips and throat is white. The weight of this clawless beetle is 3 to 5 kg.

These intelligent animals are quite friendly and easy to tame. In the southern part of Bangladesh and the Sundarbans, fishing with pet vultures is also seen.

Most of the vultures are found living on the edges of water bodies or in holes. They do not enter the water much except for hunting or travel purposes. They spend most of their time digging. However, sea urchins spend most of their lives in the ocean.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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