The Dhaka Times
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A legendary actress named Shabnam

The Dhaka Times Desk Shabnam, the heroine of Bangladeshi films in the eighties, is now only a legendary actress. He is spending free time after leaving acting.

Actress Shabnam

Shabnam, the heroine of Bangladeshi films in the eighties, is now only a legendary actress. He is spending free time after leaving acting. This once popular actress is no longer seen in movies. He is spending time at home. He was not seen in any new film for more than 16 years.

Shabnam was last seen in the 1998 movie 'Ammajan' directed by Kazi Hayat. In this film she played the role of late actor Manna's mother. Last August 17 was his birthday. His birthday doesn't seem special to him anymore.

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Shabnam said, 'Now it is old. Time passes with only child and husband. But my granddaughter Arnaz wants to spend some time with her. And so in the afternoon I cut the cake with Arnaz. This was a special birthday moment for me.'

At one time she had a wide fame as a Bengali film heroine. Due to his age and family needs, he cannot devote time to films. But still he respects the film. He thinks that the tradition of Bangladeshi films will continue for thousands of years. The newcomers will carry on that tradition - that is his hope.

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