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A 'humanitarian disaster' on the Greece-Macedonia border

The Dhaka Times Desk A 'humanitarian disaster' unfolds on the Greece-Macedonia border. Hundreds of migrants have gathered at the Macedonian border after being blocked from entering Greece.

Greece-Macedonia border

A 'humanitarian disaster' unfolds on the Greece-Macedonia border. Hundreds of migrants have gathered at the Macedonian border after being blocked from entering Greece. To handle the situation, the security forces beat these people. International media reported this.

Greece-Macedonia border-2

According to media reports, a state of emergency was declared in Macedonia last Thursday to deal with the migrant situation. Most of the migrants come from the Middle East and are trying to enter the northern countries of the European Union, according to media reports. The UN, however, has called on both Greece and Macedonia to deal with the worsening situation.

It should be noted that, according to an information, about 44 thousand people entered different countries of Europe through Macedonia in the last two months. At that time, the government of the country did not stop anyone, but currently the border area has been fenced with barbed wire. Authorities are not allowing anyone to enter.

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