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Killed two journalists in the live program of TV!

The Dhaka Times Desk Two journalists were shot dead during a live TV event. The incident happened in Virginia, USA.

two journalists were shot

A television journalist and a photographer were shot dead during a live TV interview in Virginia, USA. The shooting happened at Bridgewater Plaza near Moneta, Virginia, at 6:45 a.m. local time Wednesday during a televised program. The gunman fired six to seven rounds.

TV reporter Alison Parker and photographer Adam Ward were killed at the time. US media reported that they both worked at WDBJ television.

Soon after this incident, a video of two journalists being shot was spread on social media. The video shows two journalists being shot while interviewing a woman. Gunshots are heard in the background. At this time, the newspaper of the TV channel was shocked.

Notably, before joining WDBJ, reporter Alison Parker worked at CNN affiliate WCTI.

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