The Dhaka Times
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Breaking news: Gas prices increased: one stove 600, two stoves 650 taka

The Dhaka Times Desk The price of gas and electricity has increased. 600 rupees for one stove and 650 rupees for two stoves. The price increase was announced today.

gas prices rose

The price of gas and electricity has increased. 600 rupees for one stove and 650 rupees for two stoves. The price increase was announced today. The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) announced the hike in gas and electricity prices at a press conference at TCB Bhawan in the capital's Caravan Bazaar on Thursday at 4 pm.

It was said in the press conference that the price of gas has been increased by 26.29 percent and the price of electricity by 2.93 percent at the consumer level.

From September 1, users of one stove will have to pay Tk 600 and users of two stoves will have to pay Tk 650. At present, users of one stove have to pay Tk 400 and users of two stoves have to pay Tk 450.

In terms of electricity price, there is no additional cost for irrigation and electricity users up to 50 units. It has been said in the press conference that the decision to increase the price of gas and electricity will be effective from September 1.

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