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When soft drinks cause death!

The Dhaka Times Desk We consider soft drinks to be a special item in our diet. But do not think that these drinks can harm health. Sometimes soft drinks can cause death.

Because the death of soft drinks

Soft drinks which we call soft drinks is a liquid drink without drugs. Most soft drinks contain carbonated water, sweeteners, flavorings, or caffeine. We eat it often. We never think about the reason why it has harmful side.

According to a media report, a 355ml can of Coke contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar. These sugars do more harm than good to the body. Because excess sugar increases the level of glucose in the body. Due to which the level of insulin increases in the body which is harmful for everyone. As such, it is more harmful for diabetics.

These extra sugars are stored in the body as fat due to which the body weight increases. Soft drinks are one of the leading causes of obesity in the Western world. And excess weight is considered as one of the causes of heart disease, diabetes. Again, excess sugar causes tooth decay. Soft drinks also play a role in yellowing tooth enamel.

According to media reports, we are 30% at risk of weight gain due to excessive consumption of soft drinks. One experiment found that artificial sugar tricks our brains into thinking it's sweet. And so our brain gets excited about excess sugar and it can increase brain load.

What else can soft drinks do:

# reduces the amount of carbon, calcium used in soft drinks. Calcium is very beneficial for our bones. Therefore, if the calcium content is low for a long time, the bone loss is called osteoporosis.

# Caffeine reduces the amount of calcium in the body, as well as stimulates our central nervous system. Due to which emotional tension increases. Because of that, insomnia problem may arise.

# Soft drinks contain sodium benzoate. Researchers at the University of Sheffield have discovered that sodium benzoate plays a role in DNA damage and reduced performance. Soft drinks increase the risk of cancer by reducing the amount of oxygen in the body. Polyethylene glycol, a chemical used in soft drinks to give caramel color, is a cancer-causing chemical.

Another interesting fact is that all the soft drinks sold with attractive advertisements called Diet Cola use a chemical called aspartame instead of sugar. Researchers said, this material has 92 types of harmful effects on the body.

Diseases that can be caused due to these harmful effects are:

# brain tumor
# infertility
# diabetes
# epilepsy
# mental imbalance etc.

To prevent the soft drinks from freezing like ice, an ingredient called 'Ethylene Glycol' is used in it. It is a poison much like arsenic. It can cause harmful effects on the kidneys. Source:

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