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Actions to avoid when angry

The Dhaka Times Desk Anger or stubbornness harms people a lot. Many people do serious mistakes or harm in anger without understanding. This report is about the things to avoid when angry.


There are many of us who cannot contain their anger when their temper flares up. And anger can cause major problems if not controlled. So, if you are angry, how many tasks should be avoided. Today's discussion is about those issues.

There are many people whose temper is a little too high. Can't control anger. And then you get a reputation as a badass. There are many people who do not get angry easily. But once he gets up, he has no control over his anger. Regardless of the angry person, anger is something that is good to keep under control.

Never go to sleep angry

Never make the mistake of going to bed angry. According to a study in the Journal of Neuroscience, 'When you go to bed angry, this kind of negativity becomes embedded. And it can get bigger later'. So if you get angry before going to sleep, wait until the anger subsides.

Do not drive while angry

Our senses become useless when angry, so doing things like driving during this time can be dangerous for you and other people. So don't drive while angry.

Avoid eating when angry

Many people try to reduce their anger by eating. They think that when there is hunger, anger arises. But this is not true at all. Two things happen in this, firstly whatever you eat during anger will turn into unhealthy food which will harm your body and secondly, you can put yourself in danger by swallowing fast and half-chewed food due to anger. So try to stay away from food during anger.

Don't continue arguing when angry

When anger arises, never continue an argument out of anger. Because it will increase your anger gradually. Then you might say something that could seriously hurt the person in front of you.

All in all, anger is a deadly evil that can never bring good. So try to control your anger. Then it will be good for you and everyone around you.

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