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The journey of 'Sukhi' begins in Britain: Aiming for Bangladeshi maternal and child health care

The Dhaka Times Desk A new charity 'Sukhi' has started its journey in Britain. The purpose of this organization is to provide health care for Bangladeshi mothers and children.

Britain sukhi start

A new charity called 'Sukhi' has started its journey in Oxford, Britain to help poor mothers and children of Bangladesh. The aim of this organization is to generate funds and create awareness among the public.

A team of 15 volunteers launched the organization at the East Oxford Community Center in Oxford last Sunday. It is known that the organization will initially fund to provide food packages for mothers and children in Bangladesh. The organization also wants to set up an orphanage for Bangladeshis in the future. The director of the Oxford Islamic Information Center based in Cowley, Oxford, is associated with this initiative. Hojjat Ramji.

Dr. to the media. Hojjat Ramji said, everyone has a responsibility to help. But these issues of Bangladesh do not come in the news. However, many Bangladeshis are suffering greatly. And there is no one to see them. He also said that happy Bangladesh means happy Bangladesh. When children are happy, their mothers are happy. And when mom is happy, the whole family is happy. If we can save some lives, then our duty will be fulfilled. We will make that effort through this organization.

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