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Weird and Funny Job Talks: That Will Astonish Everyone

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have interesting and strange jobs for you. Which will really surprise you. Let's know those strange stories.

weird and funny Job

We are really pumped to work every day. Boring means doing the same thing every day - who likes that. But life is stagnant without work. You might be surprised to hear that there are some jobs in the world that you would never think of as jobs. But the real truth is that these jobs provide the means of survival for many people around the world. Let's take a look at what the fun and quirky professions actually look like.

Job to sleep!

Even if it sounds strange to you, there are jobs in this world! You can earn money just by sleeping. When scientists conduct research on sleeping pills or sleep-related topics, some people are used to the medicine or research instead of money! That is, they are getting money instead of sleep. This is also their job.

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Professional pusher!

When we travel by train and bus, we often hear this saying - 'Dada don't push'. But you don't know that pushing can be a profession for some! And this exceptional work is done at railway stations in Japan and New York City. During rush hours, professional pushers help push people into the train! At one time it was a part-time job for students. Now many are choosing it as a full time job!

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Hired lover!

Hired lover! You might be surprised to hear such a thing. But in reality that is what is happening. Maybe you don't have a boyfriend. So what? Lover can rent easily. Nowadays, you can find all such tempting advertisements on the internet. All the information including pictures, names and how much rent will be available in front of you. Lovers are rented in countries like Japan, China, America, Europe, South Africa. Surprisingly, such work is legal in those countries!

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Deodorant tester!

One wacky job is the job of a deodorant tester. People in this profession spend entire hours of the day testing other people's body odor for deodorant. They decide which flavor is best for me, or which is best for you. The smell of deodorant will be most noticeable in the armpits and throat. So the professional examiner in this regard has to smell the smell of armpits all day long! The tester is asked to sniff once while the armpits are smelly, again with the normal odor without the scent, and finally with the scented armpit odor after applying the scent or perfume. The tester then reports to the company the performance of that particular scent or deodorant. That is, the examiner wrote about the good side - bad side, how much these products will run in the market.

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Water Slide Tester Jobs

We spent hours in the water at the Water Kingdom. I raced down the water slide with my friends. But we are not facing any kind of accident.

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The cause of the accident is the water slide tester. Water slide testers test the slide beforehand, risking their lives to keep us healthy. It is his responsibility to see if there is any danger of accidents on this slide.

Weird job standing in line

It is natural that you will be surprised to hear such a thing. But the story is true. Who likes standing in line? Then you would think if a man could be found to stand up! Yes, there are people like that for you. Such jobs are in high demand in Japan. Some people will stand in long lines for you for hours. Instead you just have to pay them.

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The exceptional job of being a wedding guest!

There is no dearth of people to be guests at weddings in our country. But there are countries where it is difficult to find guests. And so wedding guests are hired. There are such jobs in the world. This work is popular in Japan. People are hired to increase the number of guests in a wedding ceremony. In exchange for money, they went to the marriage house and ate.

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Exceptional crying job!

Not in movies, but in reality some people are hired to cry over someone's death. Whose job is to weep over the death of people for money.

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