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Found a prehistoric bread!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various events are happening in the world constantly. For example, a prehistoric bread was found! Which surprised everyone.

Laughing find a prehistoric bread

Not today, but 12,500 years ago. Scientists have been able to make bread that people ate then. The scientists found a special part of the bread in the groove of a bowl. That too turned into stone over the course of a thousand years. Scientists found this prehistoric bread at Huzuk Musa in Israel.

This bread, made in prehistoric times, was eaten in European countries even in the Middle Ages. At that time, these breads were available for only one penny. These very tasty breads were made on coal fire in Europe at that time. This one bread could be the target of the 'Neolithic Revolution'.

Mordechai Kizlov, a researcher at Tel Aviv's Bar-Ilan University, told the media that he is thinking about making this bread using the materials used at that time. Barley that has already grown in the wild is harvested. From these the grains are separated. The stones or parts of trees which were used in these works at that time are being used now.

Angles of various shapes are found in the earlier Southern Levant region of the period. Scientists believe that they were made to grind or process grains. In one corner the grain was kept, and in the other corner the husk was kept. Attempts are being made to make bread with the equipment used at that time in these corners.
