The Dhaka Times Desk After all the legal battles, 'Rana Plaza' is releasing on September 11. The film's director Nazrul Islam Khan has confirmed that the film will be released in hundreds of theaters.
Due to legal complications, the film was scheduled to release last Friday, September 4, but it got stuck. Despite the propaganda, the release was stopped due to the court's ban. This film based on the much talked about Rana Plaza incident in Savar is the first film of today's popular heroine Parimani.
Director Nazrul Islam Khan said that the hall owners are looking at 'Rana Plaza' as no significant films have been released in these days. He said that they had already taken all the preparations for the release of the film.
Director Nazrul Islam Khan said about the lifting of the legal ban on 'Rana Plaza', 'I have finished many kinds of trouble for this film. We always respect the law. We believed that the court would not block our film.'
Nazrul Islam also said, 'We had to take all the preparations needed to release a film. Yesterday we were contacted by the hall owners after getting the permission to display the picture. Since the film was supposed to release last Friday, we don't have to worry about the release of the film next Friday. The film has already been released in hundreds of theaters.
It is to be noted that on Sunday, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court dismissed the 6-month ban given by the High Court on the screening of the film 'Rana Plaza'. On that day, a four-member appellate bench headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha gave this order. The High Court imposed a 6-month ban on the exhibition and broadcast of the film 'Rana Plaza', which was made on the subject of the Rana Plaza collapse in Savar on August 24. The Simon and Parimoni starrer was scheduled to release on September 4 but was postponed.