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Breaking News: 87 Hajis killed in building collapse in Saudi Arabia due to storm

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 87 pilgrims were killed and at least 200 pilgrims were injured when a crane collapsed on a building under construction at Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Among the injured are 30 Bangladeshi pilgrims.

Saudi Arabia building collapsed killing 87 Haji

At least 87 pilgrims were killed and at least 200 pilgrims were injured when a crane collapsed on a building under construction at Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. According to sources of Bangladesh Hajj Mission, 30 Bangladeshi pilgrims are also among the injured.

The injured have been taken to hospital. The area is surrounded by security forces. It is not yet known which country the deceased belong to.

Note that every year 30 to 4 million people come to this holy place to perform Hajj. The most sacred place of Muslims is this Masjidul Haram.

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