The Dhaka Times
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Micromax gives laptop for only 17 thousand rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk India's technology product manufacturer Micromax is offering laptops for just 17 thousand rupees. This low-cost laptop is of the Canvas series.

micromax canvas laptab

The company has named this laptop Canvas 'Laptab'. The laptop runs Windows 10 operating system. A laptop is basically a tab. If you add a special keyboard dock with it, it will look like a laptop. It has Intel's Atom processor. The display is 10.1 inches. It can be considered as a two-in-one computer. The keyboard of this new laptop is made of fabric.

The display of this laptop is WXGA IPS technology. Its processor is 1.8 GHz Atom. Although the laptop comes with Windows 8.1 operating system pre-installed. However, users can upgrade to Windows 10 for free if they want.

What's in the laptop:

# RAM 2 GB
# battery of 7700 mAh
# has built-in memory of 32 GB
# comes with 1 terabyte of cloud storage for free
# has a front camera of 2 megapixels.

It is known that the price of this new laptop in the Indian market is 14 thousand 999 rupees. Excluding VAT and tax, the price in Bangladeshi taka is 17 thousand 643 taka.

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