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The Story of a Dangerous Bamboo Train [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many types of trains in the world. All types of steam engine trains, diesel or electric. But today there is a dangerous popular bamboo train story.

stories of dangerous train

This dangerous yet popular bamboo train runs in Cambodia. Although Batambagh is not a very popular place for travelers, the train made by Bashen is very popular in the northwestern part of the place.

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It is known that bamboo mats, 4 small wheels, motorcycle or tractor engines are needed to make these bamboo trains running in the suburbs of the city. Train cars are made with them.

Battambang Cambodia, Bamboo Train
Battambang Cambodia, Bamboo Train

Historically, the French built railways throughout Cambodia. But due to lack of maintenance, very few of them remain now. They are not used much. The railways are going to get ruined due to rust. So there are train cars made of bamboo running on these railways. It is quite popular in that region.

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See how the bamboo train runs

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