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Learn how to remove ink stains from clothes!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ink stains may sometimes appear on clothes. There is nothing to worry about. Learn the amazing technique to remove ink stains from clothes.

remove ink stains out of clothes

Pen ink stains can fall on clothes at any time. And when such things happen, everyone gets upset, this is the normal rule. We often face this problem. Once the pen stain is on the cloth, it is quite difficult to remove it completely. If these stains are not properly removed, the ink stains become permanent. In that case, there is no other option but to throw away the clothes. Don't know how to effectively remove ink stains today.

remove ink stains out of clothes-2

# Never rub ink stains. This leaves the possibility of the scar spreading further. Apply some white toothpaste on the ink stain. Wash off after 15/20 minutes when dry. Scrub gently with a brush while washing. You will see that the stain has become quite light.

# Another method is to soak the ink part in raw milk for some time. After a while, wash the normal clothes with raw detergent. By doing this, you will see that the ink spots will gradually become lighter.

# Rub a few times on the ink stain with some glycerine and warm it slightly. Then wash thoroughly with normal cloth raw detergent. If possible add a few drops of ammonia to this glycerine.

# has another interesting point. That is, the hair spray used to beautify the hair also removes the ink stains. Spray several times with hair spray on the ink stain. Then leave it for a while and then wash it off after drying.

# is the remover we usually use to remove nail polish. Ink stains can often be removed with a remover.

# has another thing that benefits from spotting. And that is alcohol. It often works as a good stain remover. Soak the ink spot with alcohol for some time. Then wash with normal detergent as usual.

# Many of us know that lemon juice is effective in removing dark spots. Rub lemon juice on the affected area for a while. Then wash off. You will also benefit from this.

Soak the ink stained cloth with 1 or 2 teaspoons of detergent, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in # hot water for 30 minutes. Then wash.

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