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Janet Jackson accepted Islam!

12/02/11 Los Angeles, CA- Janet Jackson takes off in LAX wearing a Burka Ref#AKM7782 Credit Byline: Dobner/AKM Images Contact Sales: Alex or Thaissa at Office: +1 424.237.2908

The Dhaka Times Desk American singer Janet Jackson, sister of Michael Jackson, is reported to have accepted Islam! According to the news, after marrying Qatari Muslim industrialist Wassam Al Mana (40) in 2012, she converted to Islam.

12/02/11 Los Angeles, CA- Janet Jackson takes off in LAX wearing a Burka                                  Ref#AKM7782                                                                                         Credit Byline: Dobner/AKM Images Contact Sales: Alex or Thaissa at                                                        Office: +1 424.237.2908

Since converting to Islam, Janet Jackson has reduced her revealing clothing and dance moves in concerts. According to media sources, Janet seems to have found her own home in the new religion. Meanwhile, Janet has told her family and friends that they all respect Janet's decision.

Janet has previously said, 'I want to quit music so I can have a family life with my husband and stay away from the media. Janet has spent a long time studying Islam and its followers. Lewd dancing and sexy lyrics are a thing of the past for him. Janet recently said 'Insha'Allah' while ending her latest tour.

Note that in 2008, the British tabloid The Sun claimed that Janet's brother Michael Jackson had embraced Islam.

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