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According to demand, the robot will produce products!

The Dhaka Times Desk Since the invention of robots, human civilization has been used in many ways. Many jobs are being carried out with these robots in different countries. But this time this robot will work a little exceptionally. What is the demand for the product? What kind of product to make will now be determined by some kind of robot or machine. Scientists believe that this will make the production process easier.


Machine-to-machine dialogue

August Wilhelm Scheer in Munich went a step further He designed a production process on a small scale, the parts of which talk to each other With the help of modern software, devices really talk to other devices This software has opened the door to a whole new world He said, everything here is connected to each other Machines talk to machines, machines talk to products Products also talk to other products Suppliers talk to their suppliers Everyone is connected through the internet

Efforts are underway at the research center to make the robot even simpler Because humans and machines will have to work more closely together in many areas in the future As a result, they cannot talk easily among themselves "The use of robots in the service sector, especially in logistics, is increasing," said August Wilhelm Scheer. In the future, we expect to see more synergy between humans and robots in processes such as trucking.”

New direction in production process

A glimpse of the manufacturing process of the future is available today With the help of chips, the bottle itself is driving the production process The bottle itself decides, which detergent will be poured into it, which cap will be fitted This is how the future will be produced The test is underway today at a research center in Kaiserslautern, Germany For example, he asked for a bottle of yellow detergent and black soap It is doing exactly what the customer wants

Buyers are becoming more discerning these days They want different variations of the same product in less time In other words, it is necessary to produce quickly, there is no need to make the product more durable It is a challenge for the art world They need to create systems that can change work patterns much more easily than before

'People will never run out of needs'

Research into cooperation between humans and machines is also underway at Kaiserslautern However, people's needs will not be completely exhausted The software will show you what to do A lot of work has to be done very carefully, it requires intelligence There will be no people there "We think some products will no longer be produced on a large scale," said Katarina Mura, a scientist there Processes will be divided into small or medium size to increase productivity It is not possible in automatic method People have to do it by hand.”

Large-scale production will also require highly skilled workers in the future It will not work if you don't have good knowledge about software New jobs will be created But an empty factory will never run without people August Wilhelm Scheer opined, "Many will have much work to do." But they will be high priced jobs Computers no longer run on their own, neither do machines Want work plan, want to make machine We will also be more service oriented within the industry I will leave the work of running machinery and do high rate work like research and development.”

In this new system, buyers can choose the same product according to their choice Details can be changed It can be produced in small quantities In this way, Germany will survive well in the coming decades in the competitive market And this is how the world will move forward. Because there is no alternative to manufacturing to boost the economy. And this robot or machine is going to play a special role in that economy.
Source: Dhaka Journal.

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