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London Jewish school admissions contract: Mothers are expelled if they wear revealing clothes!

The Dhaka Times Desk A Jewish school authority in London has announced that if mothers wear revealing clothing, their children will be expelled from school.

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According to media reports, the authorities of Yesdi Hatorah Secondary School of Orthodox Jews in North London have made parents sign a paper in this regard before admitting the child. The condition of admission is that the child will be expelled if the mother wears revealing clothing. This news was given by the British daily Independent.

A parent, on condition of anonymity, told the media that the school started accepting children from the age of 4 to 11 years. Another application form is sent to the parents along with the admission application. It provides details on what clothes mothers can and can't wear while picking up their children from school.

The conditions detail that the blouses, sweaters or dresses worn by mothers must cover up to the neck. Shoulders, spine and lower body must be covered. School authorities impose similar restrictions on children's clothing. Parents have been asked to sign the application form compulsorily. It is also warned that if a parent violates the dress code, their child will be expelled from the school.

The school authorities, however, claimed that such allegations were baseless. A spokesperson for the school said that although their school has a strict dress code, disobeying it will result in expulsion - no such condition has ever been imposed.

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