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Facebook surveillance now!

The Dhaka Times Desk The popular social media Facebook has also been accused of monitoring users.

Surveillance & Facebook

Belgium's data protection authority has alleged that Facebook authorities, like the US National Intelligence Service (NSI), were monitoring European users without permission.

In a lawsuit filed against Facebook, Belgian privacy commission (BPC) representative Frédéric Debassere, among other lawyers, alleges.

According to media reports, BPC has filed this case against Facebook for allegedly violating the privacy laws of Belgium and Europe. In this case, allegations of violation of law have been raised by monitoring Facebook users for the benefit of advertisers. Other European countries are also keeping a close eye on the case.

On the first day of arguments in the court (Monday), referring to the NSI's secret information surveillance activities, BPIST representative Frederic Debassere said, 'Everyone is disappointed after learning that the NSI is monitoring people all over the world. This company (Facebook) is doing exactly the same but in a completely different way.'

However, Facebook authorities have completely denied such surveillance allegations. They termed the BPC report as false.

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