The Dhaka Times
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The Tragedy of Savar Now only corpses and corpses

The Dhaka Times Desk The rescue operation with heavy machinery is going on for the last few days in the wake of the building collapse in Savar. And there is absolutely no chance of survival. Now only bodies and bodies are being recovered. At least 46 bodies have been recovered from the morning to the night of May 3 yesterday.


Only the melted body is being recovered from the scene. After yesterday's rescue, the death toll in the Savar tragedy has crossed five hundred. More than 2500 people have been rescued alive but many people are going to be crippled for life. In this situation, the country's economists are very worried about this garment industry. Because of such a large number of people dying and maiming, there may be a reluctance in this sector. Moreover, foreign buyers always take these humanitarian issues into consideration. Because of this, repeated accidents can lead to a collapse of the huge revenue generated by the country's garment industry.

Experts feel that now the government has to take firm steps to resolve this stalemate in the garment industry. From what has happened in the past, it has become necessary to take necessary measures regarding education. To protect the garment industry of the country, there should be strict control. Some owners are repeatedly mistaking the interests of the workers in order to make extra profits. Economists believe that if this situation continues, there will be a massive impact on the country's economy.

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