The Dhaka Times
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A wonderful floating paradise story

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw many floating objects. But today we have a wonderful floating paradise story for you. Which is really shocking.

A wonderful story floating heaven

Money and prestige make people think a lot. And so the wealthy do whatever is necessary to live happily and comfortably in this world. Then they try to invent various luxurious things for happiness. This time, floating private islands are going to be added for the wealthy. The ship is self-propelled and can be taken anywhere in the oceans of the world. This floating island will have a penthouse, where you can sit and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surroundings effortlessly. This penthouse can be reached by an 80 meter long elevator. There will be a deck surrounded by woods. It will have an artificial waterfall. There will be more open dining areas. Also a heli pad.

It is reported that the residents of the floating island will get many more facilities. Here you will find all the amenities you would find in a real tropical island resort in the world. For example, the floating island will also have a spa, gym, beauty salon, bar and a swimming pool.

The floating island will feature an elevated garden, palm trees and tropical flowers as well as greenery.
And for the more adventurous tourists, the island will have a James Bond style station. From where the sharks will be fed.

According to media reports, the designers of Migalo, a private submersible yacht manufacturer, have planned this floating island. The company insists that this will be possible in the very near future.

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