The Dhaka Times
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Hidekichi Miyazaki was named in the Guinness Book of World Records!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Japanese centenarian Hidekichi Miyazaki entered the Guinness Book of Records. This centayu 'young' showed what the old bone velki is called!

Japanese centuries-old young

This 105-year-old Japanese 'young man' has entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest person to run on the track in the 100m sprint. He took 42.22 seconds to run 100 meters. Self-described 'medical marvel' Miyazaki said, 'I am not very happy with my performance. I want to show the world some more.'

He said, 'I cried because I started running slowly. Maybe I'm getting older, but I consider myself a beginner. I have to work much harder. But my training is going well. I set a record of 35 seconds for myself.'

He completed his centenary 5 years ago. Miyazaki saw two world wars with his own eyes. But he said about keeping himself fit even at this age, 'I am always proud of my body. The doctors were shocked to see me. My height is 5 feet and weight is 42 kg Physically I am tip-top. So far I have never had any illness.' He wants to record a lot even in his busy days.

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