The Dhaka Times
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Nusrat Faria beat the audience in the first film!

The Dhaka Times Desk Seeing the presence of the audience in the cinema halls, it is understood that model and presenter Nusrat Farrier has captivated the audience in the first film.

Faria first film viewers checkmate

Many doubted how far Nusrat would go in the hearts of the audience. However, due to the news of getting an opportunity in an Indian Hindi film, he faced a lot of discussion and criticism. Acting with many in India, especially with Emraan Hashmi, was not well received by the conservative audience in Bangladesh. So criticized widely.

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But finally, after all doubts and speculations, model and presenter Nusrat Farrier is off to a good start. It is assumed that he has made a place in the hearts of the audience with his performance in the first film. Not only the acting, but also the film's songs, locations, story and other things have captured the hearts of the audience.

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Every show of this film released this Eid is going to house full. All in all very happy Faria. Faria told the media, 'There was a lot of fear and skepticism going into the first film. But the audience in my country did not disappoint me. They have appreciated my performance, they are receiving me well - I am very happy about that.'

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