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Find out why to eat apples

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people like apples. But we don't know what properties this apple has or how beneficial it is for your health. Find out about it today.

Know you want to eat apples

There is hardly a person who does not like apples. But the actual nutritional value or benefits of this apple are unknown to many. Apples are good for us. Let's find out what this apple does for us.

Know you want to eat apples-2

# Apple lowers cholesterol.
# keeps the apple slim.
# apple boosts disease-immunity.
# Apple reduces respiratory problems.
# Apple reduces diabetes risk.
# Apples are beneficial for the brain.
# It prevents cancer.

Know you want to eat apples-3

So eat some apple every day and live a healthy life.
Know you want to eat apples-4

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