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Cancer hidden in potato chips!

The Dhaka Times Desk Along with fast food, potato chips take pride of place as a breakfast or lunch staple. Since the 70s of the last century, the spread of potato chips and potato crackers is noticeable. But has anyone ever thought that there is a deadly disease hidden in this favorite food!


Any kids or between work, everyone is a fan of crunchy chips fried in ista jhal, ista sour and sugar rich oil instead of biscuit bread in tea break.

But these fun snacks are carrying the ingredient responsible for causing cancer, which is called acrylamide or acrylamide.

Recently the Swedish National Food Authority discovered this fact. According to their research, potato is a type of high protein rich vegetable or grain. The very thin slices of this potato are not only spoiled by using high temperature to preserve them with excess salt, deep frying in oil for a long time, but also plays a special role in the production of complex life-killing compounds like acrylamide.

Very quickly, acrylamide contributes to the nesting of cancer in the human body. But according to nutritionists, it is possible to make chips at a controlled temperature while maintaining the food quality. It is possible to make it a reality with the good will of the manufacturers and the control of the integrated food management committee.

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