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The biggest telescope TMT is coming, the secret of creation will be known

The Dhaka Times Desk: It's certainly good news for astronomers that the Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources has approved the construction of the world's largest telescope. As a result, human vision in space will increase. It is believed that with the help of this telescope, an object 13 billion light years away can be photographed. By examining the images, the beginning of creation, the initial state of various information that scientists are waiting to know can be found.


It has been decided that the telescope will be built in Hawaii, USA. The telescope is named Thirty Meter Telescope abbreviated as TMT. The main mirror of the telescope is about 100 feet or 30 meters in diameter, made up of 492 individual mirrors. It will be placed on top of the Mana Kea volcano in Hawaii, 13,500 feet above the mainland. Scientists from several countries are working jointly behind the construction of the telescope. TMT will be able to capture 144 times more light than the current Hubble telescope. As a result, astronomers can keep their eyes on galaxies many light years away.

The construction cost of this next generation telescope TMT is estimated at 1 billion dollars. Construction of the telescope will begin this year and is expected to be operational in 2021. It should be noted that the current largest space telescope, Hubble, is going to expire this year. Astronomers plan to build more powerful telescopes to replace the Hubble telescope. The James-Webb Space Telescope, a state-of-the-art space telescope, is being deployed by 2018 as an alternative to Hubble. Its construction started in 1996. The TMT will work in coordination with the James-Webb space telescope.

Source: The Tech Journal

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