The Dhaka Times
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Things men need to know about skin protection

The Dhaka Times Desk Not only women but also men need to pay attention to skin protection. Today's report is about the things that men need to know about skin protection.

men need to know that skin protection

We usually see all the skin care work done only by women. Men think their skin needs no care. So they are always indifferent about it. But men also need skin protection care. Not only that, men actually need more skin care than women. Because men are outside most of the time. Sun or dust attack men more. So every man should think about his skin without neglecting it at all. To take care of the skin, several things should be taken care of. Let's find out about those things.

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# Every man has to go out on some errand. Therefore, if the skin is not cleaned properly, the problem of acne occurs in many people. This acne problem is quite annoying. So men should use facewash that suits their skin. After returning home from outside, the skin should be cleaned first.

# Not only dust, but also walking outside in the sun is more common among men. Many people have the problem of skin burning and darkening. This stain can be seen up to a certain point on the shirt sleeve. Due to which the skin shows signs of aging. So don't neglect applying sunscreen lotion or cream.

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# men have extra rough and dry skin. Due to which the skin tends to break easily. This happens when the skin is not properly moisturized. Wrinkling of the skin and other problems may occur. So be careful in advance. Use a good quality moisturizer cream. If you don't have time during the day, go to sleep at night.

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# Having a beard and moustache, often leads to skin acne problems. To get rid of this problem, the beard and mustache should be kept clean. Cleanse thoroughly every day in the shower.

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# Many people do not have the habit of using towels individually. But wiping the body and face with the same towel can cause many problems. So avoid doing this. Finish wiping the face with a separate thin soft towel.

# can also visit the parlor for special skin care. Going to the parlor at least two days a month will be very beneficial for the skin. The reason is that skin care is taken according to the rules in the parlor. Moreover, you will also gain experience in how to take care of your skin.

All in all men like women can live a healthy and beautiful life by taking care of their skin. A very little time and little expense will protect your skin from various adverse conditions. So no more neglect, let's take care of the skin.

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