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Facebook artificial satellite launch next year!

The Dhaka Times Desk As part of its plan to spread the Internet around the world, Facebook is going to launch artificial satellites. Which will be completed next year 2016.

Facebook artificial satellite next year

According to the BBC Online news, Facebook authorities have said that plans to spread the Internet around the world have been undertaken. Artificial satellites will be launched into space to spread the Internet around the world.

Facebook artificial satellite next year-2

Mark Zuckerberg, the leader of Facebook, said, "Facebook has undertaken the plan to launch an artificial satellite into space in 2016. Basically this initiative has been taken to spread free internet in some parts of Africa. It has been said that the website named will facilitate this internet usage for free.

However, several developing countries, including India, have strongly objected to Zuckerberg's proposal. They think that these countries are now making money with internet services. But providing free internet services will collapse the internet business.

It should be noted that Facebook had previously announced to provide internet services with drones. The strategy of establishing internet connection by sending a type of wave from a drone to a specific area was taken in that plan.

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