The Dhaka Times Desk This time our mother tongue 'Bangla language' has been placed as the fourth language in New York schools. Not only that, Bengali has been ranked as the fourth main language in government schools.
The number of Bangladeshi immigrants in New York has been increasing in the last two decades. At the same time, the number of Bengali students in the government schools of this city is increasing. Currently, this number stands at 6,500.
According to data from the Office of the Education Commission of New York, Spanish and Chinese are the most widely used languages in the city's schools after English. Then fourth place is Bengali language.
It is known that currently 3 schools established in Bengali-dominated areas of Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens in New York have the opportunity to use Bengali language in parallel with English language. In this system, known as 'bilingual programme', students are given the opportunity to take lessons in English and mother tongue simultaneously. It is a matter of pride for us. Because Bengali speakers living in New York especially those who are very young or born there can learn our Bengali language.