The Dhaka Times
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Pass 35 years only by drinking tea and water!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone can be surprised to hear such words. But the story is true. A woman has passed 35 years only by drinking tea and water!

Just 35 years of tea-water feed

Bengalis have a lot of respect for rice. How can they go without rice? But an Indian woman passed 35 years of her life without eating rice and only drinking tea and water.

Anima Chakraborty is a resident of Goghat in Hooghly district of West Bengal, India. This sixty-four-year-old woman is living on only tea, water and Horlicks. According to news media, Anima Chakraborty has eaten nothing but tea and water and Horlicks for the last 35 years.

But the life story of Anima Chakraborty is a little exception. 45 years ago, poverty has not left her since her husband came into the family. Anima Chakraborty's husband Gopal Chakraborty was a priest. Their family was somehow managed by worshiping in the houses of different masters.

Anima worked as a cook in a house at Pandugram, about one and a half kilometers away from her own village, to help Chakraborty's husband in his work. However, due to the lack of prosperity in the family, Anima Chakraborty went from house to house in the area for the rest of the day. Anima's eating and drinking becomes irregular while doing such hard work. There have been days when he himself fed the family even though he was completely starving. In such a situation, on the day when the food was collected, he may have eaten half of it. There was also a time when he could not eat anything for 5 consecutive days. Due to which Anima suddenly fell ill one day.

If you eat rice, bread, or bread, you will vomit. When he went to the doctor, after examination, he informed that he had gastric ulcer in the stomach. He could not afford to treat the disease. Due to which Anima was forced to stop eating heavy food and started eating only liquid food. In this way he recovered once.

35 long years have passed since then. For so many years he lived on Horlicks, two cups of tea, glucose or water once a day. This is how Anima Chakraborty has spent 35 years eating only tea and water.

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