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The world's first porn university in Italy!

blonde female hide her face behind her hand, keep away gesture, isolated on white background

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to people's curiosity or discussion about pornography. The world's first porn university was established in Italy. This university will become the center of global discussion - no doubt about it.

blonde female hide her face behind her hand, keep away gesture, isolated on white background

In the beginning there was nothing. But over time everything is changing. With the touch of modernity, everything is gradually coming into people's hands. People are now advancing in education. And so the secret matters are now coming to the public. An attitude is being shown that there is no alternative to education. Italy's University of Pornography is an example.

The world's first pornographic university is going to be opened in Italy mainly to educate people about porn. The founder of this university named 'Italian Stallion' (Italian Stallion) is the famous Italian porn actor Rocco Ciffredi.

According to media reports, all famous porn stars of the world are staying as teachers of this university. A total of 2 weeks course will be taught in it. Those who do well in this course will also get the opportunity to act in porn movies. In the first batch, 21 students were selected from among thousands of applicants. 14 of them are female students. This course will teach various aspects of acting in porn movies.

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