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The story of Britain's ghosts!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have heard the story of jinn and ghost in our childhood. But when I grew up, I realized that there is no such thing as jinn and ghost. Today there is a story of Britain's jinn and ghost!

Britain jinn ghost story

According to a news published in the media, child abuse is happening in Britain recently because of the jinn and ghosts. Police officers in Britain's metropolitan areas have come to know of 60 such crimes. In the previous two years, 23 such crimes were committed in 2013 and 46 in 2014.

It is known that there is a special police force in London to suppress such (jinn-bhoot) crimes. The name of this force is Project Violet. Its officials say that these crimes are happening in the name of religious beliefs. And because of that children are being tortured. In one case, a child was brought to England from Nigeria in 2007. He used to work in a relative's house. He was blamed if the child of that house was sick.

In such a situation, the family called her a 'witch' and stopped her from going to school. He was also physically tortured. After holding the hand of a neighboring Nigerian woman, he ran away from the house. He said he was taken to a local church for treatment. There he was beaten with a broom. In another incident, a 9-year-old child was also found, who was thrown out of the house as a devil.

There is a significant increase in cases of jinn-bhoots or such complaints which are alarming. Locals think that such events are taking people to a fantasy world. Crime is increasing. This needs to be prevented.

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